How To Live With A Snoring Partner
Total visits: 209
Posted on: 06/25/22
Is snoring ruining your sleep? It is common for everyone to snore from time to time, but if snoring is affecting the amount of time you sleep, it can negatively affect many other things in your life. Read the following article and you may find ways to reduce the snoring problems in your life.
One of the most common mistakes people make during the evening is eating a huge meal in the hours before their bedtime. If your stomach is filled to capacity with food, it will take up more space and press up against your diaphragm. This has the unfortunate effect of making it difficult to breathe as you lie on your back.
If you are having issues with snoring at night, then alcohol consumption, sleeping aids that include tranquilizers, and antihistamines need to be avoided right before bedtime. The reason for this is because they cause your muscles to go into relaxation mode, and this can can your airways to be limited.
Your sleep position can greatly affect whether or not you will wind up snoring during sleep. Those who sleep on their backs tend to be more prone to snoring simply because that particular sleep position encourages relaxation of the throat, which can result in snoring. Try to sleep on your side, if possible, to help alleviate snoring.
Avoid drinking alcohol within 5 hours of bedtime. Alcohol, along with other sedative drugs, causes the muscles at the back of the throat to relax. When these muscles relax, you are more apt to snore. Stay away from those nightcaps--you may actually sleep more soundly if you do not drink before bed.
Dont consume too many dairy products, especially at night. Dairy properties allow mucus to build up in your nasal cavities, and this will restrict the breathing through your nose at times, which can lead to snoring. If youre going to eat dairy, do it early in the day to reduce your chances of snoring.
Try elevating your head at night while you are sleeping, to see if it reduces your snoring. A thick pillow is good a choice to give your head some support. Another option is to sleep on two pillows instead of one. By holding your head up at an angle, the air flow will open up, which will keep you from snoring as much.
Exercise is very important to implement during the day to reduce snoring. Exercise helps you to regulate your breathing, both while awake and asleep. Not only is exercise important for keeping the respiratory system in shape, but it is a great stress-reducer. It has been shown that high stress levels can alter breathing patterns, which in turn can make you snore.
To cut back on your snoring, its important to have a regular exercise regimen. When youre working your abs or your legs, your throat muscles are also working too. This makes your air passages firmer -- making them more likely to stay open and prevent snoring on your part.
Here is an effective exercise you can use to make your snoring less severe: Push your tongue back and forth against the rear of your upper incisors. Slide your tongue backwards, and then bring it up back against your teeth; do this for three minutes. Exercising your tongue muscles keeps your airways open and cuts the chance of snoring.
As you can see, there are many things you can do to prevent snoring problems. If you will try the tips offered here, you may find snoring can be prevented, or at least reduced, and you can get a good nights sleep. A restful sleep can help you have more productive days.