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Express Your Sense Of Style With Jewelry

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Posted on: 07/16/22

Whether for fashion reasons or to impress others, people love wearing jewelry. But how do you know if you are getting the most of your jewelry collection? By becoming educated on the topic of jewelry. The following article is going to give you some good advice that will help you become more knowledgeable about jewelry.

Make sure you dont wear your fine jewelry all of the time. When you are performing housekeeping tasks or washing your hands with soapy water, remove your jewelry. Swimming in a pool is another great reason for you to remove your fine jewelry to keep it safe. Everyday harsh chemicals can severely damage fine jewelry, sometimes ruining it beyond repair.

Question any piece of jewelry that is so cheap its too good to be true. Look at any gemstones to ensure they dont have large inclusions in them. Look for stamps on the metal to prove that it is what its claiming to be. If someone takes offense to your double checking authenticity, theyre probably lying.

To make sure your necklace matches your outfit, look for pieces that mimic your neckline. If youre wearing a v-neck top, pair it with a dramatic necklace that has angular elements. To compliment a scoop necked shirt, look for a necklace thats rounded. A boatneck top looks best with a long, dangling necklace.

Purchasing a piece of jewelry is a rather hefty decision based upon the price tag of the item. When you are in the market for a piece of jewelry, take the time to figure out what you are looking for, the budget you are allowing yourself, and what overall quality you seek in the item.

Buying used jewelry is an option to consider, as well. Used jewelry can be found in consignment and pawn stores, art galleries, estate sales, jewelers, or in some cases, yard sales. Before you consider used jewelry, research the type of piece you think you are looking for, so that when you see it at one of these places, you will be able to determine if the item is indeed legitimate or just a reproduction.

If you have your jewelry insured, be sure to take good pictures of it. This will help when dealing with the insurance company in case something should happen to your jewelry. It can really help speed the process up and help you get through the insurance red tape. It also helps document what you have in case your home gets broken into.

Gold is too soft and needs to be mixed with other metals so that it can be hard and last longer. When you see the carat weight of gold that signifies how much gold is actually in the piece as opposed to other substances. Ten karat is the lowest that is available legally, and that is just 42% gold.


Rings, bracelets, necklaces, and other jewelry should be removed prior to participation in any physical work, exercise, or team sport. Sweat and oils can damage your jewelry. Also, increased physical movement makes it especially easy to snag prongs or dislodge stones from their settings. Furthermore, jewelry that has fallen off during activity is less likely to be found afterward.

Remove your jewelry before exercising and place it in a safe place. During exercise, gold and silver jewelry can get scratched, and prongs on rings can be broken. Some types of precious and semi-precious stones can also scratch during exercise. Some jewelry, such as necklaces or rings, can catch on exercise equipment and that could be dangerous. Also, perspiration can make your jewelry dirty.

As was stated at the beginning of article, people enjoy wearing jewelry, no matter what the reason is. In order to make sure you are making the right choices about jewelry, it is helpful to become knowledgeable about the topic. The above article has advice you can really use to assure that you have the right jewelry for your collection.

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